The  Interactive  Consulting & Sales Platform

With Integrated Sales Stories

We bridge now.

And you?


bridge is the leading provider among solutions of interactive online consultation and sales. Our software has been optimized for global players as well as small and medium sized companies. bridge’s sales stories and dual touch interaction guarantee a one-of-a-kind consultation experience with measurable data and success analysis.

Unique Features


Sales Stories


Our interactive sales stories provide an opportunity for the customer to actively participate and gain valuable insights during a consultation. Throughout the consultation data can be collected through interactive actions and gestures such as: clicking, swiping, typing, and digitally signing documents.



Both virtual and in person. Thanks to our platform you have the opportunity to conduct consultations and sales sessions from anywhere. In addition to that you can use it for training and analysis purposes.

Data Security


Thanks to our scalable cloud infrastructure, which is located within Germany, consultants and customers know where their data is stored. This technology also allows bridge to be a web application which eliminates the hassle of downloading software.

Our Customers

One platform, endless opportunities.


Based on the modular structure of the platform consultants and sales experts are able to plan and control the whole sales process.

Before the Consultation

Appointment Booking

Appointment Preparation

Prepare Content

During the Consultation

Data Collection

Consultation & Sale

Close Contracts

After the Consultation




Get in Touch!