Success Stories

with bridge 

Why Our Customers Choose bridge


Trust and communication determines the success of every consultation. bridge enables users to professionally prepare a clear presentation or guideline. These guidelines can contain statistics, interactive slides, and any other tools needed to carry out the sales pitch. This allows communication & participation in a targeted and safe manner resulting in a trustworthy relationship between customer and consultant.


Maximum Interaction

The active involvement of customers enriches the consultation experience for both consultant and customer. Participate instead of observing. Thanks to bridge, participants can instantaneously draw, highlight and take notes on any slide as well as share their screen and send documents. In addition, bridge offers ready-made, interactive slides where they can independently interact and make entries.


No Software Installation

Elaborate software installations are disruptive and discourage customers from using them. With bridge, the hassle of installing software is completely eliminated. When joining a consultation there is no need to set up an account, which means that bridge users can start an appointment at any time without preparation and have their customers join seamlessly.


Fast Data Evaluation

After the consultation, all data recorded or processed during the consultation is available in the CRM-system. Thanks to bridge’s clever optimized interface solution, data never has to be processed twice again.


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