Digital Signature with inSign
Digital Signature with inSign
Paper was yesterday! Concluding contracts directly online and all documents that require a signature can now be digitally signed in bridge. With bridge, the tedious process of printing out the form and sending it by post is a thing of the past. With bridge and the direct integration of inSign, the market leader for digital signatures, this becomes reality. The signature is legally secure, GDPR-compliant, and TĂśV-tested. You decide whether you would like to obtain the digital signature during an appointment online or in-person. This is how you create a modern customer experience with bridge without media discontinuity.
Benefits with inSign
Paperless solution
Immediate conclusion of contract without media disruption
Legally secure &
legally binding
Integration in bridge
Maximum Quality and Data Protection Standards
With inSign, all signed documents are encrypted together with the biometric data of the digital signature. Subsequent changes are either clearly recognizable or completely excluded. This means that the digital signature is legally binding, verifiable, and clearly assignable. Proof can be provided at any time as to who signed a document, where and when. Every year inSign is checked for security & reliability by TĂśV Saarland and certified if necessary. With this approach, inSign guarantees the highest quality and security standards.
What inSign can do:
Simply prepare the form, send it, and have it signed.
-> You save paper and money!
Faster processing times and fewer returns thanks to mandatory fields in the forms.
-> You increase your efficiency by being able to complete more processes at the same time.
Safe, thanks to the encryption of the digital data and the development & operation of inSign in Germany.
-> You guarantee your customer’s data security in compliance with all legal regulations from DSGVO, BGB, and BDSG.
Use inSign However You Want
 To send a link for the document to be signed, you have three different options: the InSign app, SMS, or Email. This is possible for the consultant as well as for the customer. If you are not yet using a device on which you can sign directly, you will receive a message from bridge to change the device.
Available for bridge Premium users.
- Digital contract conclusion
- TĂśV tested
- Signature legally secure and verifiable